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Areas are instances where different unique enemies, ores, herbs, shops and more, can be found. Each area possesses a different "Drop Table" assigned to every enemy killed within (Gatherables included), usually containing 2 relics and a Chest.

There are currently 7 areas in the game.

Cradle Hills

"The starting point of many turtle adventurers due to bugs and insects being the only residents around here, which makes for an easy prey. Or at least it should be."

The first Area of the game, acting as a sort of tutorial and introduction to the basic game mechanics.

Mastery Cap: 50

Cradle Hills Drop Table
Item Chance
Small Wooden Lockbox 1/200
Guiding Relic 1/60000
Pointy Relic 1/60000
Memo 1/100000

Lost Dojo

"Legends say that a martial dojo was abandoned in the heart of the forest. Overtime, animals began honing their moves in there, and today hardly anyone can live to tell the tale."

Unlocked at Level: 10 and Mastery: 100

Mastery Cap: 250

Lost Dojo Drop Table
Item Chance
Small Wooden Lockbox 1/200
Training Relic 1/60000
Proteiny Relic 1/60000
Memo 1/100000

Granite Grotto

"A damp cave imbued with magical ore. the combination of the minerals and the natural electromagnetism has breed both terrifying and cute creatures."

Unlocked at Level: 20 and Mastery: 300

Mastery Cap: 650

Granite Grotto Drop Table
Item Chance
Reinforced Wooden Chest 1/200
Safety Relic 1/60000
Flashy Relic 1/60000
Memo 1/100000

Monster Arena

"Welcoming all brave turtles, this thunderdome is a place of glory and riches. Fight against powerful foes and claim prize for yourself!."

The Monster Arena houses various challenges and rewards for the players. Within the arena, the "Quest" and "Shop" panels are replaced by Clash and ???. On every encounter, a timer will start at the top of the screen. Once the timer runs out, the player perishes, or wins the match, a medal will be granted based on their time and performance. With every gold medal earned, new items can be unlocked in the item shop of the area, accessed by clicking the Exchange sign.

Clash houses single-staged fights against powerful foes.

Hallow Forest

"A land devoid of life. Death always finds its way, and the ghostly remains of the undead torment the living in mortuary anger. I also heard there is a cute cat in here."

Unlocked at Level: 30 and Mastery: 700

Mastery Cap: 1100

Hallow Forest Drop Table
Item Chance
Reinforced Wooden Chest 1/200
Self-Replicating Relic 1/60000
Companionship Relic 1/60000

Spirited Valley

"A hidden prehistoric land, lush and untouched by time, where the echoes of the beasts of ancient can still be heard from time to time."

Unlocked at Level: 40 and Mastery: 1200

Mastery Cap: 1800

Spirited Valley Drop Table
Item Chance
Silver Runic Cache 1/200
Suspicous Mushroom 1/1000
Ancient Relic 1/60000
Boiling Relic 1/60000
Memo 1/100000

Ruined Lab

"Once bustling with magic experiments, this arcane workshop tasked with imprisoning a greater foe now lies silent, ran only by automata continuing their purpose in the eerie stillness."

Unlocked at Level: 500 and Mastery: 1800

Mastery Cap: 2100

Ruined Lab Drop Table
Item Chance
Silver Runic Cache 1/200
Rolling Relic 1/60000
Clairvoyant Relic 1/60000
Memo 1/100000