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Dungeons are unlocked after achieving Super Turtle Rank 4 by completing 19 quests. Afterwards, a mail will inform the player that dungeons are unlocked.

Dungeons have 3 entrance charges. Once one entrance charge is used up, the player will need to wait one hour for the entrance to recharge.

However, if there is no entrance available, the timer will be be brought back to 30 minutes maximum.

Additionally, if there are no entrances left, you can spend a Dungeon Voucher to enter a Dungeon, ignoring the timer.

There are currently 3 dungeons in the game.

Penguin Glacier

"Chilly glacier home to a likeable breed of monster penguins."

Pirate Galleon

"A drifting drinking pirate bar. Booze, eyepatches, peg legs, all of that good stuff."

Temple of Dusk

"An ominous sanctuary claoked in eternal twilight. Here, devotees seek the forbidden knowledge that lies beyond the veil, embracing darkness."