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Gardening is unlocked at Super Turtle Rank 6 (which requires completing 36 quests). You are given a small plot of land in the Guildwork tab, which you can cultivate by planting seeds, watering them, and collecting plants after they mature.

Gardening menu consist of your plot of land, the seed backpack, the garden shop, seed compendium, fertilizer dropdown and the counters for gardening experience (in the form of a progress bar), Bloom Token counter, and display of your Flower Power effects.


Planting a seed is done by selecting a seed in the seed backpack and left clicking an open slot. Plants can be watered by left clicking, setting the plot's water level to 100%. Plants can be harvested by right clicking, yielding seeds, tokens, and experience if the plant is mature.

Immature plants take 90 minutes to reach maturity. If the plant is watered, the water level is decreased by 0-2% every 10 seconds (16:40 average) to speed up growth by a factor of 3.

Mature plants provide a bonus to the player based on the plant. Mature plants also have a chance every 10 seconds to mutate or crossbreed. Mature plants can be harvested for 1 Bloom token and some experience. Additionally, if the plant is a mutation that the player did not place, a seed is collected. Mature plants die of old age after 2 hours, yielding an additional 2 Bloom Tokens and twice as much experience. Water has no effect on mature plants.

Garden Buffs

Most plants provide a buff to the player while mature. These bonuses are added together and generally stack multiplicatively with other sources of that bonus.

Mutation Chance only affects the chance each tick to mutate; it has no effect on the bonus chance at maturity.

Flower Power multiplies all other garden bonuses, although damage reflection and mutation chance by only 1/3 the listed amount.


Almost all plants have a mutation, which cannot be bought from the seed compendium and instead must be acquired directly. Each tick while mature, non-mutated plants have a small chance (1/6000 to 1/10 000) to mutate. Additionally, if the plant is watered when it reaches maturity, it gets a bonus opportunity to mutate (1/15 chance). Mutated plants that occur naturally yield a seed when harvested, while mutated plants planted by the player do not. Star Sprouts and Butterscorches never yield a seed.


Certain combinations of plants when planted together and mature have a chance to produce an entirely new plant through crossbreeding. The new plant appears in an empty spot anywhere in the garden. Whether a plant can crossbreed and with what is denoted in its compendium entry. Since the odds depend on both the number of parents (but not ratio) and number of empty plots, for the greatest chance of crossbreeding the garden should be half parents and half empty plots.


Various fertilizers can be unlocked and applied to the entire garden at once.

Bag of Ice Cubes is unlocked at level 5. It completely halts all progression of the garden (including maturing, aging, mutating, and crossbreeding) and pauses all buffs granted by plants.

Quality Fertilizer is unlocked at level 5. When harvesting a mature plant, it adds a 25% chance of an extra Bloom Token.

Water Retaining Fertilizer is unlocked at level 6. It drains all water from each plot, but causes plants to grow at 2.5 times their normal speed (83% of its watered speed). Because of its water-draining effect, plants do not receive the bonus mutation chance.

Sack of Microbots is unlocked at level 8. When plants die of old age, an unmutated seed of the same plant is planted in its place if any remain in the Seed Bag (the bots will not purchase extra from the Compendium). However, plants are unable to crossbreed while active.


Seed Mutation Tier Effect (Mutation Effect) Source
Green Sprout Star Sprout 0 +0 (+9) tokens on harvest Available from start
Cactus Flowering Cactus I 3% (10%) damage reflection Basic Seed Pouch
Sunflower Astroflower I 2% (10%) Deific damage Basic Seed Pouch
Red Chili Sweet Chili I 2% (10%) Elemental damage Basic Seed Pouch
Blueberry Cloudberry I 2% (10%) Occult damage Basic Seed Pouch
Pineapple Carved Pineapple I 2% (10%) Might damage Basic Seed Pouch
Red Rose Crystal Rose I 2% (10%) Nature damage Basic Seed Pouch
Chocobloom Butterscorch I 1 (10) cookies on harvest Basic Seed Pouch
Starmelo Flametreat II 1% (6%) Strength Crossbreed Star Sprout and Sweet Chili
Pink Lotus Black Lotus II 1% (6%) Spellpower Crossbreed Astroflower and Peperuvola
Pricklypine Piñata II 2% (10%) Pat Power Crossbreed Flowering Cactus and Pineapple
Glacierfruit Frozen Jizo II 2% (10%) Experience Crossbreed Pineapple and Crystal Rose
Cedarose Maplebloom II 1% (7%) Max Health Crossbreed Carved Pineapple and Red Rose
Peperuvola Tortube II 20% (75%) Mutation Chance Crossbreed Red Chili and Cloudberry
ERR?OR II None 1 / 1 000 000 chance each tick
N?URAL CACT?S F!ROG? III 0.01 (0.05) Magic Regeneration Crossbreed Pricklypine and ERR?OR
Invidragius Invidragius Avaritia III 3 (30) Shells on kill Crossbreed Star Sprout and Pricklypine
Pine Tree Christmas Tree IV 2% (10%) Drop Chance (not implemented) Crossbreed Cedarose and Invidragus Avaritia
ARCH R?SE AR?H ROSE CLUS!ER IV 10% (30%) Flower Power Crossbreed Black Lotus and ERR?OR

Seed Tiers

The tier of each seed determines its cost to buy from the supply and how much experience it gives when harvested.

Tier Cost Experience
0 0 2
I 3 4
II 6 8
III 10 16
IV 16 32

Garden Shop

Level Experience Upgrade (cost) Shop item (cost)
1 50 Basic Seed Pouch (20)
2 100 Seed Compendium (30)
3 200 Seed Shipping (60)
4 400 Garden Fencing (90)
5 800 Garden Fertilizer (200) Gardener's Stamper (50)
6 1600 Water-Retaining Fertilizer (300)
7 3200 Garden Sprinklers (400) 1× Reality Voxel (500)
8 6400 Sack of Microbots (500)

Garden Shop upgrades:

Seed Compendium - unlocks access to the seed compendium.

Seed Shipping - unlock ability to buy seeds from the compendium.

Garden Fencing - Adds 3rd row to the garden plot

Garden Sprinklers - Adds 4th row to the garden plot