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Weapons are the primary way to deal damage to enemies. They are equipped to your tool slot where your turtle can then use it to attack. Weapons are upgrade-able, and can be stamped.


The damage of a weapon depends on its Rarity, Tier, and Level as according to the following formula:

25 × 1.15 Level × 1.6 Rarity Power

Where the Rarity Power is determined with the following table:

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Common 0 1 2


1 2 3


2 3 4


3 4 5


4 5 6

Weapon Skills

Weapons unlock skills upon crossing a level threshold, which can range from stat boosts, to abilities that have a chance to activate on attack. Abilities with a very low chance will have a 1/20 to activate on attack, low will have 1/10, medium will have a 1/5 chance, and high will have a 1/3 chance. Abilities with low damage will deal 40% of your damage, medium damage will do 100%, and high damage is 300% (400% in some special cases, see Raijin-Goran, Light Dynamite,and Wooden Bow. For the Spirit Splitter high damage is 600%).