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Infernalus is the final enemy found in Hallow Forest.

It is summoned with the Hell Bindings.


❖ Hellfire Blast: Applies one stack of Hellfire, dealing Elemental Damage overtime.

❖ Jailer Sentence: Applies Silenced.


  • Infernalus' silence can significantly lower the damage the player can deal, making the fight take much longer than normal and stacking Hellfire to dangerous amounts.
    • Polymorph can be used to stop Infernalus from attacking and casting spells for the first 10 seconds of the fight, giving the player a head start.
  • Despite being a debuff, Hellfire states it can not be removed, making Cleanse unusable against Infernalus.


  • The Premium Metal Grill can be stolen from Infernalus to complete the Reliable Situation quest.
    • Infernalus can silence the player, preventing Thief from being cast mid-fight. Polymorphing or using Thief at the very start of the fight before they can attack can get around this.
